Frodo Beans and his new Sweater!
Mama's little buddy is getting a haircut so he needs a new sweater to keep his little fur-less butt warm! HAHAHAHA Seriously he will have some fur left but it's going to be short and it's chilly here in the Maritime Provinces now so ... TADA ... What do you think?? Isn't he just adorable! He steals hearts every where he goes!

At 12:04 PM,
LDSVenus said…
Awwww, he is soooo cute! That sweater is awesome, did you knit it? Great pattern. I wonder if I could keep a sweater on my ferret? :P
At 4:19 PM,
Alli's Little World of Knitting! said…
Thank you very much!! I did indeed knit it and it won't be the last one .. I love that little sweater. Of all the sweaters, jackets etc that he has it is the best fitting one.
At 3:13 AM,
Shirl said…
Aww Alli
He is just too gorgeous for words. You have the most beautiful furry baby in the world. He is so handsome with his new clothes.
Hugs and blessings
At 10:04 AM,
N. Maria said…
You have the best model! The sweater is very, very nice!
Maria in WA
At 10:58 AM,
Lizardknits said…
He's adorable! What breed of dog is he?
At 4:48 PM,
Alli's Little World of Knitting! said…
Thank you all so much for such glowing compliments!! FRODO loves it! *GRINS*
He is a Shih Tzu!
At 8:53 PM,
M Kathryn Adkins said…
That is soooo cute!!
The sweater is pretty nice too : )
At 1:18 PM,
Debbie said…
That color really looks good on him. What a nice coat!
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