A Mom's Happy Moment!!

I received a lovely surprise today!! My son David gifted me today with something that he found at work (the post office) that he knew I would just love and he is so right! Feast your eyes upon these lovely peonie stamps! How on earth can I stick them onto an envelope and send them off into the unknown!?! They are just far too pretty to use! LOL I love the cute little circular stickers that come with them too! Aren't they just gorgeous! What a sweet sweet thoughtful boy! Yessirreeee ... I think I'll keep him! He turned out real good! HEHEHEHE
Thank you David!! I love you too son!
At 11:44 AM,
Lindy said…
What beautiful stamps! I know I could never mail them.
At 12:42 PM,
Alli's Little World of Knitting! said…
Hi Lindy,
Thanks for droppin by my blog! I love those stamps and it was hard to use them but I did use 2 of them. They are so pretty I know I won't use them all. I actually have a glorious peony bush (which you may have seen on my blog already) and I am very partial to those flowers, as was my Mum!
Thanks again for visiting!
At 12:38 PM,
Strw said…
I recognized the peony stamps right away!!! . . . so do you live in Canada? I was mailing a lettr to my GrandGirls in Manitoba when the young fellow working at the post office recognized that it was a "special" send, he said "I have some special stamps here you need to finish decorating your envelope" (I already had so much decorating on the envelope there was hardly enough room for the stamp. LOL)Low & behold it was the peony stamps & I was like you & said they are too pretty to use & he informed me that he had lots more he would sell me! HaHa
I thoroughly enjoy your site! Super job!
Take Care
Strw in Nova Scotia, Canada
At 12:40 PM,
Strw said…
DUHHHHHHHHHHH! for me, I see you are in the Maritimes!!!!
At 7:42 PM,
Alli's Little World of Knitting! said…
Hi Strw!!
You bet I'm in Canada eh! LOL Born and raised! I still have that package of stamps, minus the 2 that I used! They are so beautiful I hate to use any more of them! LOL
Thanks so much for dropping by and posting your comments! I love to hear from my neighbours here in the Maritimes!
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