New Peek-chores added to my Flickr account!
I have put up some more pics in my Flickr account. You will get to see the WORLD FAMOUS Reversing Falls and a couple of zany knitters frolicking about! LOL .. THEN .. some YOOOGE "gargantuan" wooden statues at Reversing Falls!! What a fun day we had there! It started to sprinkle just as we were leaving!Oh and there are a couple of pics from our shopping excursion to Black's Harbor Cricket Cove store ... the place where the day actually BEGAN and the bags that contain the purchases that got us all excited and into a crazy mood that day! LOLHave fun checkin them out!
DOH .. I forgot to tell all y'all about my new YARN!!!
SOOO ... MY BAD!! In my previous catch-up post, I forgot to tell all about the wonderful box of yarn I acquired recently! Here are the DEETS:
Lisa & I placed a lovely big order with Elmore Pisgah ( for Peaches & Cream Cotton yarn!! It's the most AMAZINGLY SOFT 100% cotton yarn in the world! I've been NOT-SO-SECRETLY coveting the stuff for over a year or more!! HAHAHA Well we ordered 19 CONES each!!! So the first pictures you will see in my Flickr account will be the fun we had with our cones!! Giggles We built pyramids and they tumbled .. lol .. we would never have made it in ancient Egypt! You can check out our silliness in Cotton Paradise here:
Chow for now!
Over & Out
What I've Been Up To Lately ... :o)
Well peeps!! I've been a busy beaver! TOO BUSY! lol .. too busy to blog about it cause there's too much to tell! HAHAHA Oh ok .. I'll try! GigglesFirst off my best gal pal and web-site partner, Lisa & I went touring through our own fair city this past summer season and had a blast! We took a few zany pictures and actually bumped into Mike Holmes from Holmes on Homes! He was being interview atop Fort Howe. Unfortuneately we didn't get a picture so we have NO PROOF! LOL .. you'll just have to take my word for it! BwaahahahahahaSecondly off .. snicker .. I've opened up a Flickr account to share my pics cause it's a pain in the BEEE-hind trying to upload them on here! I get so ticked that I give up .. I know I know .. temper temper!! Patience is a virtue and all that jazz .. well peeps I've used up ALL my patience on my kids and now am using the REST of it on my knitting! HAThirdly off (ROTFL) I flew to Toronto, (Canada EH) in August to visit with my daughter Heather!! I had an absolute BLAST!!!!!! I saw many cool things, place and people! The culture there is wonderfully diverse! I got to go to Romni Wools (the coolest yarn store in the entire universe I swear!!) and I spent a LOT OF MONEY there!! hehehe ... shhhhh ... I don't want EVERYONE to know about that! GIGGLES The very best part of the trip was that I got to go to Kensington Market (a very cool place I could stay & explore in for DAYS) and I went to the Stitcn'n Bitch at Lettuce Knit! Now this place is often graced by the Yarn Harlot (although she didn't come the day I attended .. bummer). I went with my Heath and 2 of her good gal-friends (Kate and Katelynd). I met an online groupie friend (Mary Jane Thistle) there and we got to knit up a storm and yak to our hearts content! We stayed until after dark! It was wonderful! My Heath is so lucky! She gets to go every week!! I made a new friend there (Jennifer!! Very crazy cool chick!) I found about Ravelry and applied when I got home! I am now awaiting my invite!SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO .... my online friends, family and PEEPS, I have a brazillion pictures that I want to share and will put them into my Flickr Account so you can check it out! Here's the linkie poo! LOL patient with me while I get everything uploaded!I hope you all have been well and have been enjoying your summer/winter (depending on where you live on this globe), your vacations or meanderings and that you enjoy my sharings here!Until Next time, this is me siging out!hugsAlli