Alli's Little World of Knitting

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Frodo Beans Gets his 1st Haircut!!

Frodo has had his first haircut today, his baby fur is gone! He's was still just an itty bitty wittle boy underneat all the fluffy fur! He looks so tiny, I need to fatten him up!
Who knew getting your fur cut for summer would be so exhausting! LOL

Frodo Beans Gets a Bath!!

It just so happens that getting a BATH is not Frodo's favorite activity! LOL He tolerates it well but he's not impressed with that word! Poor Baby looks so forlorn!

No Sir!! I don't like it Mama, don't like it at all!!
Are we done yet?!?!?!

WHEW ... I survived!!!

As soon as she puts me down I'm gonna shake my butt real good and spray water ALL OVER her ... I'll teach her to give ME a bath!!!